The fourth Sunday of Advent is a day to celebrate LOVE. God loved us so much that he gave His only begotten son so that we can have eternal life with Him . Mary loved God so much that she said “yes” to God totally submitting herself to His will.
In today’s scripture reading (Luke 1:39-45), after the Angel of the Lord told Mary about her cousin Elizabeth being pregnant, she rushed to see the miracle that was told to her. Mary’s prayer of thanksgiving (the “Magnificat”) contains many of the themes emphasized in Luke’s Gospel, particularly God’s concern for the lowly, hungry, and disadvantaged, and God’s judgment upon the self-indulgent. John Wesley thought that work among the poor was a means of grace. God’s name is magnified when the lowly and vulnerable are lifted in love.
Not only in this Christmas season, but all year long, let us show love to ALL in our words and deeds, and in doing so, we make God smile.
God proves his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8