Epiphany is the day Christians remember the coming of the Magi to visit Jesus, bringing their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. Epiphany occurs on January 6 every year, the 13th day of the Christmas season. The word epiphany, from the Greek word epiphania, means appearance or manifestation. Popular usage likens epiphany to words such as eureka or aha!
The arrival of the three Magi was a sign that the incarnation of God in Christ had been made known and was recognized by the heavens to the whole world, so that even Gentile wise men from the East came to pay him homage. This is an observance of great majesty, solemnity and awe.
“The light of Christ is so clear and strong that it makes the language of the cosmos and of the Scriptures intelligible, so that all those who, like the Magi, are open to the truth can recognize it and join in contemplating the Savior of the world.”
~ Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI